Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap and Trade

The 8 Republicans Who Gave America the Finger

The eight who voted for cap and trade are:

Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330
Castle (DE) 202-225-4165
Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835
Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361
Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572
McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611
Reichart (WA) 202-225-7761
Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765

Final vote results for the American Clean Energy and Security Act

NC - Mike McIntyre - thank you for voting no, you earned my vote next year. (unless you do something I don't like between now and then)

(I did email Mr. McIntyre with our concerns)

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