Monday, November 17, 2008

creative block and toxins

I got out to the studio today!!
Granted it was only for 2.5 hours, but my creative block is gone!

I got two projects halfway done.

I think I was holding in to much bothersome information. I have written a lot of it out and it is released from my head for now.
I can do that you know, just let things go and totally forget them and focus on the here and now.
But I like to document the now for later. I don't like forgetting things which are important to me.
People around me find my forgetfulness annoying too. But most of the time I find it refreshing to not worry about the future too much and forget the past.
Then when I do go back to it (in written format) I can remember and look at it with a new perspective.

It amazes me how liberating writing things down is. It is like releasing the toxicity from my mind and body.
Now I must go do some yoga for further relaxation and release of toxins.

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