Friday, January 23, 2009

secret #2 continued.....

Being receptive through nature.
Nature is powerful.
It is our life force, we much connect with it and draw energy from it to create, what I would call living art. or art that has a life all its own and really captures that energy.

I tend to go back to childhood and early adult years to remember what really energized me creatively then. (I have become a little dead to the world and am just now 're-finding myself creatively'
I remember (when I was very young) sitting on the ground in my back yard staring with awe at a tree against the sky. There was nothing really remarkable about this tree, but it held me, it gave me a feeling of great joy to just watch this tree. how odd, right - but that is exactly how it was.
Then when I was a bit older, highschool age, I would drive to this lake every chance I got! The place I liked to go was always completely deserted. I would sit there for hours (smoking a cig - ewww) and just meditate of the beauty of everything there.
There was a river which did the same to me, where I met my husband - though I didn't "get to know" the river as well, I would have liked to though.

It doesn't happen all the time, but every now and then, nature will strike me with that energy and move me spiritually for just a moment and then let me go.
I don't always get 'inspired' by this - but it wakes my creative self up a bit.

I do have a santuary for my creativeness. My studio. The second I step foot in there my world is transformed to one all about me and my internal processes. I can leave everything else outside those doors and be completely happy!
If I haven't been there for a while I do sit at my desk just pondering what to do, sometimes nothing happens, and I feel kinda icky when that happens, but the more I go out there the easier creating comes, and I find that if I make something, anything, that will be my inspiration for something else, and so on.
sometimes I have to stop the first thing to move on to the second thing because the inspiration is just too strong to ignore.
Now I can't always get to the studio, so my next santuary is the shower. yup I said the shower.
I get 'lost' in the shower - all the hot water runs out and i must come back to reality. My mind goes everywhere and many an idea hath come from the shower.
I love my shower.
I am not so sure a creative journal would work for me, but I could try. Its just that once inspiration hits instead of writing it down, I must take action. or else explode.
That is happening right now.
as I mentioned in the previous post I have been inspired by bellydancing.
now I am making something out of that inspiration - but I won't say what yet...
I wonder if anyone else out there, like me, thinks that if they tell someone their idea before doing it, it will jinx it and make it turn out badly.
I won't tell anyone, I don't want it jinxed.

oooh rituals,
I definitely have retuals for my studio work.
I have to go in turn on all lights, propane and oxygen, kiln, and radio
then I have to light hand dipped incense (bought off etsy)
and then open a can of Jones Cream Soda.
Then I am ready to begin. All this has to be done.

Stay tuned Secret #3 to come

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