Thursday, January 22, 2009

Secret #2

I am late with this entry due to MLK day and 2 school snow days. My oldest son was out of school for 5 straight days. That leaves me very little blogging time.

So anyways on to the Secret.

"Honoring your inspirations."

I am going to take this chapter in parts.

The first paragraph basically sums it all up

"Creative inspirations seduce us, luring us, charming us, tempting us, and captivating our attention"

How can one not respond to this pull? When it beckons I get so wrapped up in the emotions connected, sometimes that is enough other times I must do something with it. What I do varies on the stimulus and how strong it is, how much it weighs on me and stays in my head. If something puts the idea of how a certain piece of jewelry could come out like, I just can't wait to get to the studio and try it. I even get moody if I can't go right away.

but as of right now, I do have an inpiration for some creativity.
I went to the Juggling Gypsy with a friend a few nights ago. She was bellydancing in their show.
I was amazed by it! I was amazed by the movements and loved the outfits.
I went to my first of many bellydance classes with her last night. I had so much fun. The time flew by! I will be going every Wednesday. I don't know if this will lead anywhere, probably not, but is was fun! I will also be going to the bellydance show once a month with her.
I even got some inspiration for jewelry pieces from this experience.
I am excited and anxious to be a part of this creative new world!

I am not comfortable with dance or dramatics at all, but it has always intrigued me. I have never been one to go out of my way to avoid uncomfortable situations, I find it a challenge, and most of the time I win.

Back to the secret now...
The part of the chapter about creative play, brought back memories of myself as a child.
I had a chalkboard, My beloved chalkboard. I would have my mom or dad (usually dad) to tell me something to draw -usually an animal - well almost always it was an animal of some sort. I would draw it and it looked pretty good. Well it to me and my parents told me it did, if I saw something I drew back then, today it would probably look like uh, not much of anything, but I 'remember' it being good. I had an assignment in kindergarten to draw something to do with Halloween, I drew a witch. It was pretty good, even by grown up standards. My mom kept it, and I still like it.

My other childhood inspiration I really remember is paper.
just paper
My mother worked for Bellsouth (Southern Bell at the time)
She would bring home reams of 500 letterhead.
I would "make" things from this paper.
I made 'lanterns'
I made 'a puppet stand' -didn't work out well
I made paper airplanes
I made a plethera of things, I really let my imagination go wild, and I went through so much paper - hardcore recyclists would have been raving mad about it!

This is such a powerful chapter, I am gonna continue in my next post, maybe today, maybe tomorrow - but more to come befor secret 3 is revealed. (I have to go excercise now, while the little one sleeps)


Lisa said...

Oh belly dancing is wonderful creative play! I trust you have discovered the belly dancer Gypsy among the 12 secrets bloggers? Those costumes alone are so evocative.

It is really neat that you "respond to the pull of inspiration." That is huge, congratulations on being that woman who listens to and acts on the inner voices.

S. Bordeaux said...

I haven't discovered Gypsy, I am off to check out her blog.